RE: "Peace Activists"steadfastly ignore Start. The Secret Service ask if they can help, and offer comradeship. Hmmmm.
Last night was the anniversary Japan time for the Nagasaki bombing. About 20 activists showed up for a brief commemoration, inches in front of where Connie and I spend our lives commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year.
So these activists were really appreciative of our commitment, right? Of the 20, 16 scrupulously made neither eye contact nor voice contact with me, nor contact or acknowledgment of any kind. Had it been Connie, I suspect it would have been different. Had it been Thomas, it would have been different, however all but two or so in the group ever really helped Thomas or Connie when they really needed it. I do NOT take it personally.
With the exception of Thomas, then Ellen, Liz, Gael and a few others, this has been my experience with the so called "Peace Activists" in DC - they don't like me and they certainly do not support the work I do. And I am totally OK with that; and under the circumstances I would not want it to change. But it is interesting.
BUT START!!!! you stupid fool! Don't you understand how antagonizing, intimidating, etc. they find you?!?!?!? Well, yes I do, not that this is ever my intent. But what is interesting is, there is another group that SHOULD find me just as distateful, or more so, but they do not; they never have - The Police in DC.
This is in stark contrast to the support, respect and encouragement I've received from many in the Secret Service, Capitol Police and Park Police in the 5-6 years I've been doing Peace Work here in DC. "Hey Start, it is awfully cold out there, if you need to come into the cruiser, let me know." "Hey Start, it is too hot out there. If you need some cold water, or to come into the cruiser to cool off, let me know." They stop by to talk - genuine mutual respect and camaraderie. "Hey, if anyone gives you any trouble, just let us know." Etc.
Yes, BOTH groups have reason to shun me. But one, instead, recognizes something we hold in common - Commitment, Self Sacrifice, Courage, Dedication to a Cause.... The other finds these characteristics of mine suspicious, offensive, antagonistic, threatening, intimidating, "violent" .... Gandhi would not find them so.
I wonder if the rather stunning shunning I was treated to last night was a result of the following email of mine published in the Washington Post yesterday in response to an article a week ago on the Secret Service that made me cry: "The Making of an Agent," July 26 .
My original email spoke of how Gandhi said, "Give me a military man to work with any day; don't give me any cowards;" and "I consider myself a soldier." The portion they published was:
"Give me a military man any day. Don't give me any cowards;" and,
"I consider myself a soldier;" and
[paraphrase] - 'If to prevent some atrocity you find yourself unable to do so by non-violent means,
be violent if you must, but do not just stand there.'
"I consider myself a soldier;" and
[paraphrase] - 'If to prevent some atrocity you find yourself unable to do so by non-violent means,
be violent if you must, but do not just stand there.'
Last night was the anniversary Japan time for the Nagasaki bombing. About 20 activists showed up for a brief commemoration, inches in front of where Connie and I spend our lives commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year.
So these activists were really appreciative of our commitment, right? Of the 20, 16 scrupulously made neither eye contact nor voice contact with me, nor contact or acknowledgment of any kind. Had it been Connie, I suspect it would have been different. Had it been Thomas, it would have been different, however all but two or so in the group ever really helped Thomas or Connie when they really needed it. I do NOT take it personally.
With the exception of Thomas, then Ellen, Liz, Gael and a few others, this has been my experience with the so called "Peace Activists" in DC - they don't like me and they certainly do not support the work I do. And I am totally OK with that; and under the circumstances I would not want it to change. But it is interesting.
BUT START!!!! you stupid fool! Don't you understand how antagonizing, intimidating, etc. they find you?!?!?!? Well, yes I do, not that this is ever my intent. But what is interesting is, there is another group that SHOULD find me just as distateful, or more so, but they do not; they never have - The Police in DC.
This is in stark contrast to the support, respect and encouragement I've received from many in the Secret Service, Capitol Police and Park Police in the 5-6 years I've been doing Peace Work here in DC. "Hey Start, it is awfully cold out there, if you need to come into the cruiser, let me know." "Hey Start, it is too hot out there. If you need some cold water, or to come into the cruiser to cool off, let me know." They stop by to talk - genuine mutual respect and camaraderie. "Hey, if anyone gives you any trouble, just let us know." Etc.
Yes, BOTH groups have reason to shun me. But one, instead, recognizes something we hold in common - Commitment, Self Sacrifice, Courage, Dedication to a Cause.... The other finds these characteristics of mine suspicious, offensive, antagonistic, threatening, intimidating, "violent" .... Gandhi would not find them so.
I wonder if the rather stunning shunning I was treated to last night was a result of the following email of mine published in the Washington Post yesterday in response to an article a week ago on the Secret Service that made me cry: "The Making of an Agent," July 26 .
My original email spoke of how Gandhi said, "Give me a military man to work with any day; don't give me any cowards;" and "I consider myself a soldier." The portion they published was:
Jay "Start Loving" McGinley of Washington e-mailed:
"I man the 28-year Peace Vigil outside the White House, nine hours per day, 365 days per year.
I observe these Secret Service officers all day long. I love these guys.
Yes, I am totally committed to nonviolence.
But I also am totally committed to courage, honor, duty and service --
and these [agents] are among my heroes."
And they are among my heroes, right along side of Thomas, Diane, Ann, Liz, Ellen....